Building a strawberry tower planter design I found online. Andrew loves strawberries and I hope to have some produce this summer.
This project was made of cedar fence boards. I bought a 2” Forstner bit for the holes, but realized that it was a little difficult to cut a hole with my hand drill. Borrowed a drill press from Kyle and a 2” hole saw bit to try them out. The drill press with my Forstner bit was too slow. The hole saw bit on my hand drill was not as clean, but much quicker. So, I did it that way. Used my Dremmel to sand holes a little and a router to put a 1/8” round over.
I accidentally used “soil amendment” instead of potting soil. Should be fine? We’ll see.
Used Gasana Strawberry plants from Home Depot. These were the only kind available, as Stine’s were in bad shape and didn’t have enough. Spacing says 14-24” apart!, and I have them way closer than that. The build was very quick, and was finished in one day.