
Disneyworld 2017

A few notes from our trip:

  • We had Grandma, Erin, Blair, Emily, Andrew, and Tyler.
  • The trip started with Erin running the Princess Half Marathon.
  • The kids loved being Jedi in the Jedi Training Academy. After that, they were using the force to open and close doors all trip.
  • They each got a hat early in the trip, which we later got each character to sign the hat that it was on.
  • Tyler slipped in the shower and busted his lip.
  • Emily and Tyler loved the roller coasters, but Andrew, not so much. He still had fun on the smaller rides, like the tea cup and Dumbo.
  • The swimming pool at our resort was pretty awesome. The kids loved it. 
  • Grandma made shirts, Mickey Mouse ears, Magic Band stickers, laminated maps to hang on the strollers, and even a window banner for our room.
  • The kids got an entire set of Toy Story toys when it was all said and done.
  • The Libersats went to Disney World at the same time and spend a few days with us.
  • We went during the Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot.
  • We had many character meals.
  • We payed for the Memory Maker Photo Pass. Worth it.