First Blood

It seems as though Emily is always having some kind of health problems. She has had RSV, the Swine Flue, an eye infection, and just plain-old sick. Well, this time she her first major cut. Sunday night, she was playing on her folding lawn chair, which has since been put away for an undetermined amount of time. While we were watching TV, the legs of the chair slipped out from underneath her, and she hit, face-first, into the floor. Luckily, she landed on the rug which has a padding underneath it. I immediately picked her up and mommy took her. We then noticed that she had a bloody nose and mouth. After about ten minutes, she had stopped crying, stopped bleeding and was now playing with her toys. From what we can tell, she cut her gums right between her top two teeth. She also had a swollen lip. We kept her up for a while and she seems to be fine. I let her bite my finger and I played with her nose, and she wasn't bothered at all. So, I am guessing she will be fine. Here is a pic of here after the bleeding stopped.